The other day my neighbors and i went to Citymall to help my dad to something. Then we got kinda bored so we took pictures like everywhere in Citymall. We took took pictures till like malam people were looking at us. HAHA. Oh well. But yang paling syok la. SUSHI KING.
Im addicted to sushi. Like totally. I love eating sushi. They're like heaven. J was the photographer. CHECK OUT HIS BLOG smart that. I'm promoting him >.<
F.Y.I : no edits though
Then the other day again. We took pictures outside my house and my neighbors apperently. HAHA. I think it's after the Citymall thingi. Not sure when. It was fun. Our themes was. ARMY.
So i pinjam Francis punya shirt. Yang fit fit berabis. And took our toy gun. It's nice. Hahaha. Then got bored again. Haha. That night J wore his Original Liv Jersey. I got jealous. Sial you J. Kena suruh kasih batak my tangan but nothing happen -.-"
F.Y.I : no edits also nice already bha.
HAHA. So so so, yesterday none update cause no mood. Super hungry again. I've been hungry all the time now a days. Sms sms sms, call call call,talk talk talk,laugh laugh laugh the usual.
Something so weird yet funny happen. Joshua was lying down on SOMEONE's leg la. On the comfy chair. It look so tempting la. So like.. umm, I jump on joshua tummy. His big big big yet funyy guy. And fat. Handsome that mau ? Single that -.-" Then Joshua starting laughing like a girl. But nevermind. HAHA. Freak.
Yesterday i gave nicknames to peoplel la. Umm, first was Darryl. He got MARK FAN. Haha. It happen like when, Izzal,Mamat and I were PRIVATE talking la.
Bernard : DARRYL what the hell are you doing here ?! * the phycho face *
Izzal : Yeah ! You should be with MARK.
Mamat : cuci kereta cuci kereta ! -.-"
Darryl : *sad face*
Bernard : Mark Fan Mark Fan.
Darryl : I dont like Mark. Haha. Why him?
Izzal : Pfft... Cause your a Mark Fan.
Then wala. Oh then there is Glue but change to Bubbles -.-
Oh, oh, oh and i didn't go school today. Yay ! I was sick bha. Daryl is so gonna kill me. But oh well, wonder what happen today. Haiz. But Tmr PJ, F yeah !
Aights. Cherrios !
current song addiction : Black Or White - Adam Lambert
check out this blog!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA im so advertising here :p
ish batak bah ur hand! there can see again in the gambar.:)
i laughed at this part;
"Then Joshua starting laughing like a girl. But nevermind. HAHA. Freak."